Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Since I live on an island, it is high time to talk about fish. The most popular and one of the very best fish to eat is the Barramundi. It is a fish that lives both, in marine waters and in rivers, but unlike salmon is not highly migratory. Some populations are only marine.
At the beginning of the monsoon, the Barramundi migrates downriver, to reproduce in estuarine waters. Young animals are commonly males, when growing up, they turn into females. A big Barra can reach nearly two meters.
It is found in the tropical regions from the Persian Gulf to Papua New Guinea. In Australia it is considered the fish. In the northern parts of the country, you get fantastic dishes with freshly caught Barra, indeed very, very delicious. Here, the Barramundi has been appreciated as fantastic food source for many thousands of years, and it is regularly depicted together with Long-Necked Turtles in old Aboriginal rock paintings. Below as seen at Ubirr.